Easy, delicious summer veggie meals will help stretch your food budget

Colorful summer vegetables packed with healthful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals are easy picking for simple, low-cost meals. Meatless Mondays, meet summer’s bounty: a wide variety of colorful, fresh summer vegetables now available in grocery stores, backyard gardens, and farmer’s markets. We’re talking sunshiny golden corn on the cob, deep purple eggplant, red beets, peppers of […]

Can a vegan diet treat rheumatoid arthritis?

I recently learned about a study suggesting a vegan diet is an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. While that sounded intriguing, another claim made in an interview about the study really caught my attention: the lead author of the study said that physicians should encourage people with rheumatoid arthritis to try changing their eating patterns […]

Why are you taking a multivitamin?

For most Americans, a daily multivitamin is an unnecessary habit. Are you among the one in three Americans who gulps down a multivitamin every morning, probably with a sip of water? The truth about this popular habit may be hard to swallow. “Most people would be better off just drinking a full glass of water […]